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How to Make a Design Template in Powerpoint 2010 TUTORIAL

How to Make a Design Template in Powerpoint 2010

A boring PowerPoint presentation has no merit. If the information isn't presented well, your audience won't take it in, so it's crucial to put together something that people tin can really engage with.

A residuum of visual interest and well-presented information is key to a successful Microsoft PowerPoint. By taking the time to make a well-crafted Template, you lot tin save yourself a lot of effort subsequently on. Follow these tips, and you can exist confident that every PowerPoint yous make volition hit its marking.

How to Create a Template

To get started on your Template, create a new Presentation and then navigate to View > Slide Master. Then, it's time to do your own creativity by forging a template suited to your own tastes or the needs of a particular project.

Edit the Slide Master—that'southward the slide at the top of the left-paw sidebar—to establish whatsoever elements that are set to run through each different type of slide, such as a company logo or a background blueprint.

Next, work your way through the rest of the list to tweak individual variants like title cards and slides with multimedia elements. Use the Insert Placeholder tool in the Ribbon to lay out any text or multimedia elements y'all might want to include later on.

slide master

When you lot're happy with your piece of work, navigate to File > Salvage As and utilise the dropdown bill of fare to save the file as a PowerPoint Template. To make it easy to admission when you lot come to utilize your template, salve it in Microsoft Part > Templates on your figurer.

Using a Template

One time your Template has been saved, information technology'due south very piece of cake to employ it for your side by side presentation. Click the Office Button and select New, and yous'll see all the Templates that you have access to. The Installed Templates folder contains the basic selection, and My Templates volition house your creations.

template folder

Note that you can use the New from existing option to repurpose some of your previous work on the fly. There's too plenty of context-specific Templates available for download via Microsoft Office Online, accessible via the lower section of the left-hand menu.

Utilise Themes to Keep Things Consistent

If you're having trouble making a professional person looking Template starting from scratch, it might aid to apply a prebuilt theme equally a base. Making any presentation visually appealing is important, but there needs to exist a sense of continuity from slide to slide. By using a theme as the foundation for your Template, you can maintain consistency throughout, and fifty-fifty relieve some time in the process.


To apply a theme, caput to the Design tab of the Office Ribbon. You'll come across a host of options in the section marked themes, and if you tin't find a good fit, you tin access more than PowerPoint Templates online. All the same, remember that this theme is simply the skeleton for your Template.

Use the dropdown menus labelled Colors, Fonts, and Furnishings to customize it to your tastes. You may terminate up with something quite different to what you started with, but keeping the preset consistency in terms of fonts and color choices will help yous create something that reads well from start to end.

Don't Get Shackled to Your Template

The benefits of a well-made Microsoft PowerPoint template are obvious, but fifty-fifty the best theme can go a detriment if its used improperly. For instance, if you lot think you've perfected your Theme, then y'all might be tempted to re-apply it time and fourth dimension once more. That's a sensible employ of your time, simply if you're presenting to the same people, they might start to recollect that yous're simply re-hashing old content.


Freshen things upwards every once in a while—tweaking a theme is fifty-fifty easier than starting ane from scratch. Moreover, if y'all accept an idea that deviates from your chosen theme, make the actress attempt to pursue it.

The mode you present information tin be equally important as the data itself. If you tin think of a novel way to practise and so within boundaries of common sense, information technology's worth trying it out. It could exist the 1 thing that sticks in someone'southward mind after your presentation is over.

Check Your Paradigm Resolution

No affair how much time you spend working on a Microsoft PowerPoint presentation, the presence of depression resolution images will negate any of your efforts to make it expect professional. It might non be such an obvious problem when you're creating the bear witness on a standard size screen, but in one case it's beingness displayed on a projector it will be all too obvious.

To counteract this, carefully consider the sources that yous take images from. If y'all have access to a library of stock photos, that'southward probably your best bet every bit they're typically offered at high resolutions. However, even if you're just using Google Images, there are steps you lot can take to ensure the best results.

search tools

Afterwards performing a search, click on Search tools and use the Size dropdown. Big images are best, simply medium resolution by Google's standards will likely do in a pinch. If possible, effort to project your presentation ahead of time to make certain everything looks correct.

Legibility Trumps Mode for Fonts

Fonts are a bully way to add a flake of visual involvement to your presentation, but they tin be driveling very easily. Information technology's sensible to proceed the amount of different fonts you employ in any one document to two or iii at the most.

When yous're choosing those fonts, endeavor to recall of the person viewing your presentation from the back of the room. An unusual font might not be legible at that altitude, which makes what you've written useless. Form has to take a back seat to functionality in this case.


Selection a font that adds interest for your titles, but use something that's like shooting fish in a barrel to read for any important text. Something make clean and practical will do the job just fine, so long equally the words themselves are interesting enough to carry your presentation and keep your audience engaged.

Implement the 10/20/30 Rule

Guy Kawasaki's first-class article on the 10/20/30 Rule of PowerPoint presentations is a decade old this year, but the advice is as good as it ever was. Simply put, it suggests that the optimal presentation contains x slides, lasts twenty minutes, and uses 30-point text.

You should have this construction in mind fifty-fifty while you're building your template. Think about how each slide is going to tie into the presentation as a whole, and build your template appropriately. The font size is especially of import for this—put some 30-bespeak text on the folio and encounter how it looks.


If you lot apply this rule, your presentation volition wait less chaotic, but information technology likewise forces you to be ruthless nigh what information yous include on your slides. There's only a certain corporeality of space to work with when yous're using 30-point text, and then any inapplicable text will soon be dropped in favor of something that benefits the overall presentation.

Pacing is a vital part of any successful Microsoft PowerPoint presentation, and the x/xx/xxx Rule gives you a very solid framework from which to perfect that pacing. Understand your audition—and their attending span—and you lot'll have a nifty step closer to getting your point across successfully.

Do you accept your own tips for creating a winning Microsoft PowerPoint template? Why not share them with other users in the comments section beneath?

Once you accept completed the perfect presentation, convert your PowerPoint to PDF to brand certain you have a cantankerous-platform uniform version with all your formatting secured in identify. It's a backup worth having, although animations might non convert well.

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How to Make a Design Template in Powerpoint 2010 TUTORIAL

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